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All Possible Wars is a future forecast published by National Defense University Press in 2000 (therefore in the public domain) and republished by others.  Of note is that it predicted that the dominant future threat in 2025 would be great power/peer competitor wars rather than irregular warfare.  Forecast updated by Futures of War (2007)  


Globalization and Maritime Power is an edited volume with 30 contributers examining a the effects of post-Cold War globalization on a particular aspect of maritime activities primarily, but not exclusively naval.  In addition to leading the project and editing each contribution, I am the author of Introduction, Chapter 1 and Conclusion and co-author of four other chapters. Globalization and Maritime Power, published by National Defense University Press in 2002, is also in the public domain, having been reprinted by other publishers and is available online.

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Published by Alidade Press in 2008, Futures of War is a future forecast that remains surprisingly accurate.  Although I am planning a third update, the discussions of forecasting techniques and the themes are the book are well worth reading.  

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Anti-Access Warfare: Countering A2/AD, published by Naval Institute Press in 2013, remains the definitive book on the strategy of anti-access warfare - a strategy used from Ancient Greece to our (potential) future war with the People's Republic of China.  The book contains an assessment of every discussion of the topic from the development of the concept to date of publication.  No other book is as extensive or complete.

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The U.S. Naval Institute Guide to Naval Cooperation, published 2015, is an edited compilation of the best articles published in USNI Proceedings concerning international cooperation between allied, partner and hostile navies.  The topics range from war planning to collaborative aquisition and training to law of the sea and armed conflict.  There is no other comprehensive volume on this subject. 

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AI at War, published April 2021, is an edited book with 30 expert contributors ranging from former-defense officials to computer scientists that makes a practical, hype-free assessment of potential military applications of artificial intelligence.  Honest and with no stock value-raising salesmanship, the book is the antidote to science fiction-inspired alarm and over-optimistic "we will have 10,000 robotaxies in the road by 2020" forecasts. 

Future Security Environment, National Strategy, Naval Strategy, Maritime Affairs, Deglobalization, National Service, International Cooperation  

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